Agreement between India and Maldives

India and Maldives have recently signed a crucial agreement in the field of hydrography. This agreement is expected to further strengthen the existing ties between the two countries. The hydrographic survey agreement will enable India to provide Maldives with the necessary expertise and equipment for conducting hydrographic surveys in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

The hydrographic survey agreement is part of the larger cooperation between India and Maldives in the field of maritime security. The two countries have been working together to strengthen their maritime security cooperation in the Indian Ocean region. This is particularly important given the strategic location of Maldives in the Indian Ocean, which is a major transit point for international shipping.

The hydrographic survey agreement is also important because it will help Maldives to develop its blue economy. The Maldives has a vast EEZ, which is rich in natural resources such as fish, oil, and gas. However, the lack of accurate hydrographic data has been a major hindrance to the development of the country`s blue economy. The hydrographic survey agreement will enable Maldives to obtain accurate and reliable hydrographic data, which will be essential for the development of its blue economy.

In addition to the hydrographic survey agreement, India and Maldives have also signed a number of other agreements in recent years. These include agreements in the fields of defence, health, education, and tourism. The two countries have also been working together to promote regional cooperation in the Indian Ocean region.

The agreement between India and Maldives is significant not only for the two countries but also for the wider region. The Indian Ocean region is home to some of the world`s busiest shipping lanes, and it is a vital hub for global trade. The cooperation between India and Maldives in the field of maritime security will help to ensure the safety and security of the region`s waters, which is essential for the smooth flow of global trade.

In conclusion, the hydrographic survey agreement between India and Maldives is a significant step towards strengthening the ties between the two countries. It will enable Maldives to develop its blue economy and will also contribute to the safety and security of the Indian Ocean region. The cooperation between India and Maldives in the field of maritime security is a model for regional cooperation, which can be emulated by other countries in the region.